Teacup Ride

Australia’s Biggest Teacup ride

A classic children’s fun fair ride, each of our cups are suitable for both adults and children, in fact being Australia’s largest teacup ride, we can fit the whole family! Our brand new ride is custom built and Italian made; it features an Alice in wonderland tea garden theme, lantern lighting, custom built safety fences and hedges. Why not take a spin in one of our giant teacups and see if it makes you giddy!


Our mission is to provide a safe and fun ride experience for all our valued customers. That the attendance and care we give meets the highest standards of quality customer service. To combine both modern-creativity and old school values. To consistently provide our customers with impeccable service by demonstrating warmth, efficiency, professionalism and integrity in our work.

To have every customer leave satisfied and excited to come back again. To provide all who work with us a friendly, cooperative and rewarding environment. To keep our concept fresh, exciting and on the cutting edge of the rides and entertainment industry.

Provided here are some examples of staff uniforms and theme for our Teacup Ride.


The safety fencing we provide here at Ace attractions for all our rides is custom built from steel. In addition to safety fencing our Teacup ride will be furnished with tea garden themed hedging and lit with an array of speciality deluxe lanterns and flower themed lights for night time visibility. We intend to spend $30,000 on safety and theme for this ride in order to make sure it is the biggest and best Tea cup ride Australia has ever seen! Below is provided an example of our fencing.

Site Requirements

Ace Attractions is commitment to environmentally safe practices at all our locations. We are also committed to educating employees and suppliers of its environmental principles. Our management has committed to a policy that states: “The protection of human health and the respect for the environment are at the core of our way of operating; we manage our production facilities with a sustainable use of water resources, of raw and other materials, and of energy, including the use of renewable resources; we pursue a reduction of the environmental impact in all its forms, in particular by reducing emissions, eliminating all wastes and correctly managing waste products. We are committed to setting objectives and targets in a process of continual improvement.” We are committed using our resources such as power and water more efficiently and trying to reduce the impacts of pollution and reducing our emissions.

Our environmental system is based on a continual review of all our business operations and is designed to ensure we comply with legal and other environmental requirements in Australia.

Site measurements: 13m diameter Site power requirements: phase 3 power

Call us on  0438 984 279 or Email us on  info@aceattractions.com.au for more information on our amusement rides.

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